Hello everyone. It is almost time to send in our major projects for the class, and I am really excited for it! For my major project, I am incorporating digital citizenship and media literacy lessons into ELA B10 (a course that may or may not exist in a few years). I chose this course to … Continue reading EC&I 832 Major Project Update
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EC&I 832 Summary of Learning
Above is my summary of learning for EC&I 832. Making this video was a bit of a learning journey for me, as it was my first time trying to us additional content in a video aside from slides with me talking over it. It took some time to put together, but I am happy I … Continue reading EC&I 832 Summary of Learning
Continue readingAm I Really Just a Mindless Consumer: A Peak into a Day of my Media Diet
I like to think of myself as an informed media consumer. I’m pretty sure we all do. The ideal version of ourselves is someone who questions every story we read or hear. We’re doing extra research and fact-checking everything to make sure the information I am consuming is reflecting the truth of the world and … Continue reading Am I Really Just a Mindless Consumer: A Peak into a Day of my Media Diet
Continue readingWhat Even Is Literacy Now?
Literacy used to be something that was very easy to define. It was the ability to read and write text. This was a pretty basic thing to get across. As long you were able to understand written text, most people would define themselves as being literate. However, this has become more complicated over time. Literacy … Continue reading What Even Is Literacy Now?
Continue readingAuthentic or Anonymous Online Identities
I still remember when I got to go on the Internet for the first time. I was in first grade, and my family had gotten a computer with dialup. The computer was put in my parents’ bedroom, and I could use it if they were present. I did what any 6 year old in 1997 … Continue reading Authentic or Anonymous Online Identities
Continue readingThe Sask. Digital Citizenship Continuum: Balancing The Good and the Bad of the Digital World
To help prepare for my final assignment in EC&I 832, I’ve spent the last few days going through the Sask, Digital Citizenship Continuum and trying to see how the Contiuum best fits in with ELA B10, one of the classes I currently teach. The Continuum gives teachers an idea of what their students will need … Continue reading The Sask. Digital Citizenship Continuum: Balancing The Good and the Bad of the Digital World
Continue readingThe Internet is Real Life
For years now I’ve been hearing people say the phrase “the Internet is not real life.” After seeing the cavalcade of negative interactions that can happen online, there is a desire among many to separate the online from world from the “real world.” All of the problems and discussions that are happening in the darkness … Continue reading The Internet is Real Life
Continue readingBeing in a Car Driven by a Blindfolded Driver: Attempting to Predict the Future of Education
https://www.actiondays.co.uk/activity-days/blindfold-driving/ When I think about the potential of the digital future of education, it scares and excites me at the same time. There is still a part of me that assumes we are just a couple of steps away from some sort of William Gibson-esque cyberpunk future where all of us are more isolated and … Continue reading Being in a Car Driven by a Blindfolded Driver: Attempting to Predict the Future of Education
Continue readingFirst Reflections on the Power and Role of Technology
“Embedded in every technology there is a powerful idea, sometimes two or three powerful ideas.” Neil Postman This one quote has stuck out to me this week. Reading through Postman’s “Five Things to Know About Technological Change” has made me reassess what technology is and what role it is supposed to play in our society. … Continue reading First Reflections on the Power and Role of Technology
Continue readingWhat have I learned about assessment?
As I look back on my time in ECS 410, I can now see how little I knew about assessment coming into this class. When I first entered this course in Janurary, I thought that I had a handle on the ideas of diagnostic and formative assessments, and hoped this course would help me to … Continue reading What have I learned about assessment?
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