Just like that, the semester is officially over! I had a great semester discussing digital citizenship and media literacies with all of you, so thank you for contributing to my learning.
For my final project, I created a generative AI resource for post…
Category: EC&I 832
A Few More Final Project Thoughts…
Ok, I should have stopped to share these thoughts while I was building my unit, but I find I get so caught up with what I’m doing, I completely lose track of time and I just never remember to stop and share my thinking! But there was definitely a lot of thinking…and overthinking! Do anyContinue reading “A Few More Final Project Thoughts…”
Continue readingProject “Fake News” Reflections
Working through my major project, I tried to bring in learning that came up in our weekly topics. An example of that was AI. This is something that we weren’t really talking about when I did Module 1 and 2 in 2021, and now it’s something that you can’t NOT talk about when talking digitalContinue reading “Project “Fake News” Reflections”
Continue readingDigital Citizenship as a Tool to Combat Hate Speech
Outcomes CC B10.2 Create and present a visual or multimedia presentation supporting a prepared talk on a researched issue, using either digital or other presentation tools. Digital Citizenship Skills Use digital technologies to engage as active citizens. Curricular Themes Equity and Ethics How This Topic Fits with ELA B10? For years, there has been a … Continue reading Digital Citizenship as a Tool to Combat Hate Speech
Continue readingCurated Lives: Teaching Students to Show Their True Selves Online
Outcomes CC B10.1 Compose and create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts to explore:• identity (e.g., Diversity of Being);• social responsibility (e.g., Degrees of Responsibility); and• social action (agency) (e.g., Justice and Fairness). AR B10.2 Set personal language learning goals and select strategies to enhance growth in language learning. Curricular Theme The … Continue reading Curated Lives: Teaching Students to Show Their True Selves Online
Continue readingMajor Project EC&I 832
I think my project is finally ready to share. For this project, I chose to develop an interdisciplinary digital citizenship course that includes integrated ELA, Health and Religion outcomes. This was a fairly large undertaking because I wanted something that is classroom ready. I wanted teachers to have a resource that they could open upContinue reading “Major Project EC&I 832”
Continue readingCombating Confirmation Bias: A Lesson Battling Fake News
Outcomes CRB10.3- Listen to, comprehend, interpret, and summarize information and ideas presented in a variety of literary and informational texts including group discussion, oral readings, interviews, prepared talks, and a talkback show about a topic or issue being studied. CRB10.4- Read, interpret, and summarize a wide variety of classical and contemporary literary (including drama, biography, … Continue reading Combating Confirmation Bias: A Lesson Battling Fake News
Continue readingMajor Project Final Updates
This major project aims to address the challenges faced by newcomer youth regarding social media and online safety. I develop a comprehensive ready-to-use curriculum on digital citizenship and media literacy. The learning ojectives cover key aspects of…
Continue readingMajor Project Final Updates
This major project aims to address the challenges faced by newcomer youth regarding social media and online safety. I develop a comprehensive ready-to-use curriculum on digital citizenship and media literacy. The learning ojectives cover key aspects of…
Continue readingSummary of Learning
Thank you for following along as I navigated digital citizenship and media literacies! The course went by fast, and I enjoyed reading each of your blogs as you navigated your understanding of each of the concepts discussed.
To view my summary of learni…