Trying to Teach About the Privacy Rights

Outcomes CRB10.1- Comprehend and respond to a variety of visual, oral, print, and multimedia texts that address:• identity (e.g., Diversity of Being);• social responsibility (e.g., Degrees of Responsibility); and• social action (agency) (e.g., Justice and Fairness) CC B10.2 Create and present a visual or multimedia presentation supporting a prepared talk on a researched issue, using … Continue reading Trying to Teach About the Privacy Rights

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Having Students Reflect on Their Online Behaviour and Usage Through Journaling

Outcomes CC B10.4 Create a variety of written informational (including a business letter, biographical profile, problem solution essay) and literary (including fictionalized journal entries and a short script) communications. AR B10.2- Set personal language learning goals and select strategies to enhance growth in language learning. Course Theme The World Around Us and Within Us Overview … Continue reading Having Students Reflect on Their Online Behaviour and Usage Through Journaling

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The Filter Bubble and how it fits into ELA B10

Outcomes: CR B10.1 – Comprehend and respond to a variety of visual, oral, print, and multimedia texts that address:• identity (e.g., Diversity of Being);• social responsibility (e.g., Degrees of Responsibility); and• social action (agency) (e.g., Justice and Fairness). CC B10.2- Create and present a visual or multimedia presentation supporting a prepared talk on a researched … Continue reading The Filter Bubble and how it fits into ELA B10

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