What are the Odds Your Teen has been Targeted by a Scammer on Snapchat?

Viewer discretion: In this blog/vlog I will discuss some topics that might be sensitive to viewers. “Sextortion” schemes target 2 out of every 3 teens on Snapchat. 1 out of 3 of those teens will fall victim to the scheme. 75% of teens have snapchat which means tens of millions of teens have fallen forContinue reading “What are the Odds Your Teen has been Targeted by a Scammer on Snapchat?”

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Snapchat’s Transparency Report for Canada and the two alarming details you should be aware of as parents and educators

Every 6 months Snapchat will release a transparency report. In this report it stats the number of accounts reported for various reasons. The two main reasons accounts are reported is for sexual content and for harassment and bullying. You would be shocked at the number of accounts reported in a six month period and theContinue reading “Snapchat’s Transparency Report for Canada and the two alarming details you should be aware of as parents and educators”

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Everything you need to know as a parent/educator about Snapchat’s terms of service in 6 minutes or less

What is the minimum age for kids to have snapchat? Can you sue Snapchat if your kid sees content that is inappropriate? What could happen if your kid posts some content onto snap that violates a person’s rights? I have looked into the 24 points of Snapchat’s terms of service so you don’t have to.Continue reading “Everything you need to know as a parent/educator about Snapchat’s terms of service in 6 minutes or less”

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The One Where He Realized AI is to Education What Ozempic is to Weight Loss

Ozempic is the newest wonder drug that is helping people effortlessly lose weight. We don’t know what the long-term effects of this drug are but it may be a game changer for obesity. What if I told you there was a magic pill that leveled the playing field for all student’s skill levels? Would youContinue reading “The One Where He Realized AI is to Education What Ozempic is to Weight Loss”

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The one where he realized his house was connected but his home was not

It dawned on me at 4:30 in the morning last week when the power went out in the middle of the night. Unbeknownst to me when your power goes off in your home all your “smart” lightbulbs and plug-ins revert to their previous setting before they were shut off for the night. So, for example,Continue reading “The one where he realized his house was connected but his home was not”

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The One Where He Created a Cooking Show For His Summary of Learning

What a semester! If you would have told me in September that I would learn how to make a Boston Cream donut, create a TikTok account and actually produce content on that app, get a private lesson from the owner of Queen City Cakes on how to make a chocolate topping, and find/share valuable resourcesContinue reading “The One Where He Created a Cooking Show For His Summary of Learning”

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