Week #9: Challenges of literacy in a “fake news” world

At times, I long for an old school textbook! I was educated in the classroom where lessons were presented from the pages of, say an old Understanding Science book series (Sampson Low Pub, 1960) and a teacher that was well informed (prepped) to teach us about the Bunsen Burner, plate tectonics or the compound microscope.Continue reading “Week #9: Challenges of literacy in a “fake news” world”

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Week #3 Digital Natives

What defines a learner? Someone who learns a subject or skill, to gain knowledge; by studying, practicing or being taught (brittanica.ca). Classrooms are the traditional platform for learnings, for an exchange of information, directed by teachers with content specific lessons. These physical aspects (the old ways) are now integrating technological devices that assist the learner.Continue reading “Week #3 Digital Natives”

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