EC&I 833 Week 2 – Tools for distant and online education

Teaching during the global pandemic presented challenges for both the teacher (me) and students (my Grade 5 class). The concept of distant learning/online classes was met with apprehension and reluctance to move from face-to-face instruction to remote delivery. I asked myself, “how can I remotely teach a student that is my neighbor living 5 minutesContinue reading “EC&I 833 Week 2 – Tools for distant and online education”

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EC&I 833: Week 2 – Productivity Suites and Presentation Tools.

Writing a blog this week required some thoughtful reflection. James Hamblin’s video, “Single-tasking is the new multi-tasking”, made me realize that screen time becomes an issue when we are tasked with work that requires computer/internet. In my career, about fifty percent of my teacher workload requires the use of productivity suites and presentation tools. TheContinue reading “EC&I 833: Week 2 – Productivity Suites and Presentation Tools.”

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EC&I 833 Week #1 What is Educational Technology?

In the EC&I 833 class we have been asked a series of questions to help us explore the topic Educational Technology. Personally, I think of educational technology as a system that incorporates an integration of technology with the delivery of curriculum. The support of my viewpoint comes from various educators and philosophers, such as G.Continue reading “EC&I 833 Week #1 What is Educational Technology?”

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