EC&I 833 Week 2 – Tools for distant and online education

Teaching during the global pandemic presented challenges for both the teacher (me) and students (my Grade 5 class). The concept of distant learning/online classes was met with apprehension and reluctance to move from face-to-face instruction to remote delivery. I asked myself, “how can I remotely teach a student that is my neighbor living 5 minutesContinue reading “EC&I 833 Week 2 – Tools for distant and online education”

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EC&I 833: Week 2 – Productivity Suites and Presentation Tools.

Writing a blog this week required some thoughtful reflection. James Hamblin’s video, “Single-tasking is the new multi-tasking”, made me realize that screen time becomes an issue when we are tasked with work that requires computer/internet. In my career, about fifty percent of my teacher workload requires the use of productivity suites and presentation tools. TheContinue reading “EC&I 833: Week 2 – Productivity Suites and Presentation Tools.”

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EC&I 833 Week #1 What is Educational Technology?

In the EC&I 833 class we have been asked a series of questions to help us explore the topic Educational Technology. Personally, I think of educational technology as a system that incorporates an integration of technology with the delivery of curriculum. The support of my viewpoint comes from various educators and philosophers, such as G.Continue reading “EC&I 833 Week #1 What is Educational Technology?”

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Networked Learning

Well, EDTC300 is wrapping up, against my wishes! This has definitely been one of the most practical and applicable courses I’ve ever taken. In this post I’ll be showcasing some of the ways I’ve (hopefully) helped others learn throughout the past couple of months, as others have certainly helped me! One thing I noted was […]

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Keep it going..

My learning project has been so much fun. For real. Not once did it feel like something I was forced to do, or a requirement. It was something I enjoyed, and I am making a promise to myself to keep it going. I want to continue to improve my golf game over the summer, and […]

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My new drive!

This week I was working on opening up the face of my club when I’m driving the ball. Recall that prior to this, I had done some research and learned that I need to have the face of my club facing in front of me as I swing. Here is how the face of my […]

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Summary of Learning

For my summary of learning I wanted to showcase not only what I learned from class content, but I also wanted to tie in my learning project, which was golfing! First, I want to describe some of my highlighted takeaways: Blogging:Although it was a bit of a struggle, I was able to navigate my way […]

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Differentiated Lesson Plan – EMTH 335

Differentiated Lesson PlanKendyll HeraufEMTH 335June 13th, 2020Outcome: SS7.4Demonstrate an understanding of the Cartesian plane and ordered pairs with integral coordinates. Original Lesson Plan: Battleship! Directions for Teachers Purpose: The objective of this activity is to introduce graphing of points on a Cartesian Plane to students Time: If the students really get into this, it can […]

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Annotated Lesson Plan – EMTH 326

Annotated LessonsKendyll HeraufApril 12, 2020 Activity 1 Outcome: SS8.1 Demonstrate understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem concretely or pictorially and symbolically and by solving problems. Geometric concept: Pythagorean theorem – distance, measurement Grade level: 8 Activity name: Eggs in a Basket Source of activity: My Phys. Ed background knowledge Description of activity: This activity would be […]

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