Combating Confirmation Bias: A Lesson Battling Fake News

Outcomes CRB10.3- Listen to, comprehend, interpret, and summarize information and ideas presented in a variety of literary and informational texts including group discussion, oral readings, interviews, prepared talks, and a talkback show about a topic or issue being studied. CRB10.4- Read, interpret, and summarize a wide variety of classical and contemporary literary (including drama, biography, … Continue reading Combating Confirmation Bias: A Lesson Battling Fake News

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The Case of Jekyll and Hyde: My Daily Struggle for Digital Literacy in a Fake World

Reflecting on my digital skills, navigating between reality and rhetoric often feels like a tale of two personas. By day, during the work week, with my family, I’m an advocate for balanced, informed tech use and digital literacy in our homes and schools. Yet, by night, on the weekends, alone, I must confess to being…

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