Trying to Teach About the Privacy Rights

Outcomes CRB10.1- Comprehend and respond to a variety of visual, oral, print, and multimedia texts that address:• identity (e.g., Diversity of Being);• social responsibility (e.g., Degrees of Responsibility); and• social action (agency) (e.g., Justice and Fairness) CC B10.2 Create and present a visual or multimedia presentation supporting a prepared talk on a researched issue, using … Continue reading Trying to Teach About the Privacy Rights

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Native Studies curriculum plan. Blog summary of my project

EC&I 832. The challenge to create a curriculum-supported digital citizenship and media literacies project engaged my attention when I decided to write an extension plan for the Community & Kinship unit of Native Studies 10. My interest to advance Indigenous education lead this project when I thought of the numerous ways that technology can support/assistContinue reading “Native Studies curriculum plan. Blog summary of my project”

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Using Digital Citizenship Skills to Talk About Cyberbullying in ELA B10

Outcomes CR B10.2 View, interpret, and report on ideas and information from more than one source to develop and support positions on various topics related to the course including identity, social responsibility, and personal agency. CC B10.2 Create and present a visual or multimedia presentation supporting a prepared talk on a researched issue, using either … Continue reading Using Digital Citizenship Skills to Talk About Cyberbullying in ELA B10

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Digital Citizenship as a Tool to Combat Hate Speech

Outcomes CC B10.2 Create and present a visual or multimedia presentation supporting a prepared talk on a researched issue, using either digital or other presentation tools. Digital Citizenship Skills Use digital technologies to engage as active citizens. Curricular Themes Equity and Ethics How This Topic Fits with ELA B10? For years, there has been a … Continue reading Digital Citizenship as a Tool to Combat Hate Speech

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Curated Lives: Teaching Students to Show Their True Selves Online

Outcomes CC B10.1 Compose and create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts to explore:• identity (e.g., Diversity of Being);• social responsibility (e.g., Degrees of Responsibility); and• social action (agency) (e.g., Justice and Fairness). AR B10.2 Set personal language learning goals and select strategies to enhance growth in language learning. Curricular Theme The … Continue reading Curated Lives: Teaching Students to Show Their True Selves Online

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